Quantum Optics and Quantum Information - Teaching
Advanced Lab Course for Physicists (FP)
F85/86/87 Optik Grundpraktikum, instructions (pdf) (English), knowledge check listLecture: Quantum Information and Quantum Optics (SS 2008)
- 1. Lecture 04-09
- 2. Lecture 04-16
- 3. Lecture 04-30
- 4. Lecture 05-07
- 5. Lecture 05-14
- 6. Lecture 06-04
- 7. Lecture 06-11
Seminar: Quantum Optics and Quantum Information: Theory and Experiment (WS2008/2009)
Wednesday, 15:15-17:00; Seminar room 306, Philosophenweg 12
- 08.10 Introduction and Distribution of topics
- 15.10 Basics of entanglement, Bell inequalities, relation with NO cloning - Yuao Chen
- 22.10 Quantum cryptography - Sebastian Jeltsch
- 05.11 Simple quantum gate, measurement entanglement, quantum circuits - basics; Dense coding, teleportation, entanglement swapping - Xiaofan Xu
- 12.11 Decoherence, error correction; and Entanglement purification - Alex Dueck
- 26.11 quantum repeater - Philippe Braevnig
- 10.12 Ion traps - Moritz Klein
- 07.01 Quantum dots - Max Plenert
- 14.01 Neutral atom 2 - Torsten Mandel
- 21.01 Neutral atom 1 and Linear Optics - QIP - Valentin Hagel
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